There are certain situations in this life that are so challenging that human reasoning could never produce the answers needed. It doesn't matter how intelligent one could be in oneself or what one knows, for no one can solve problems completely in any way. Turning to God's Holy Word and understanding the Holy Spirit's presence in fullness of the believer's life is vital in order to live a life productively in service to God and edification of others. The gift of the "word of wisdom" is not a general wisdom of ordinary advice or answers; but instead, it is a gift given by the Holy Spirit's impartation to the believer in Christ Jesus and is profitable for situations that would arise that would call for answers to God's divine purpose in a situation. One must first comprehend that "word" in this context is used as a special instruction given in part of what the Holy Spirit is giving to instruct in a certain situation by this "wisdom", which is actually Spirit led intelligence, enabling the believer to give the word by the leading of the Holy Spirit so that a situation may be handled properly by God's standards. This supernatural revelation given by the same Spirit of God allows those who are fully in God and obedience to His Word to respond in answers to questions that arise about people, places, and the situations they are faced with. It is never based on human assumption, nor is it operated by what someone hears or knows of others. It is always directly given by the Holy Spirit Himself and always in accordance to God's Word alone. One must live a blameless and consecrated life before God before this gift can operate; but, by God's grace, He allows this gift to flow to bless others and encourage the lives of believers. 1 Corinthians 12:8