Evangelist LaNora Means
Gifts Of The Spirit
Before discussing "prophecy" as a manifestation gift, let's take a look at "prophecy" in the full
extent of Bible Prophecy; for, it is The Divine Prophecy fulfilled in the Salvation Plan given by
God through Jesus Christ our Lord. That full revelation will take place as God's Word states in
the book of Revelation. Looking at 2 Peter 1:19, we can understand The Prophetic Word is
firm. We must pay attention to the fact: the illumination of that Word in the obscure places
of the heart, and the Light of Truth that penetrated the hearts by The Holy Spirit, brought
understanding to the mind of the revelation of Jesus Christ with The Word of Truth revealed.
He continues to operate in lives today to save through His Word of Promise. We must first of
all perceive that prophecy ("prediction"), in regard to God's Word itself, has already been
confirmed by truth of the fulfillment in what has already taken place by God's Divine Will not
man's private assumptions. God called the Old Testament prophets to bring forth a Divine
message in foretelling events that would take place for the express purpose of making known
God's Divine Will. As we read Scriptures in the Holy Bible, we can see the examples of the
major prophets such as Isaiah and Jeremiah and others called of God for specific purposes of
proclaiming God's Promise to those who turn to Him for salvation; but, also warning of
judgment to those who reject Him. Also we note facts of John the Baptist who heralded the
message of Jesus Christ our Savior, and Jesus Himself the "Arch-Prophet" who was God
Himself in the flesh. In the New Testament and also in the church age today we are not to be
deficient in any spiritual endowment given by The Holy Spirit as we wait for the full revelation
of Jesus Christ (see 1 Cor. 1:7); for, we only "know in part" now and we see as looking
"through a glass, darkly": meaning, in a riddle (see 1 Cor. 13:12). In our present age, we can't
even begin to understand everything fully until we see Jesus face to face some blessed day
when He takes us home to be with Him! Praise God forevermore! We need to use what God
has given us in love that never fails through The Holy Spirit; for, all these earthly benefits will
be useless later anyway because those in God will be with The God of Love in seeing Him face
to face. Then all things will be made known unto us. While we tarry on this earth, having
"...many members in one body,..." (Rom. 12:4), we are to utilize the gifts with the agreement
of what God has bestowed upon us personally. Understanding this and realizing that God
has proportioned to those that prophesy a degree of faith, it can be noted that those who
prophesy have a keen awareness into spiritual matters with a strong perception of insight
into God's ways.
Gift Of Prophecy