Evangelist LaNora Means
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Fruit Of The Spirit Gentleness
Galatians 5:22 chrestotes (nedivut)- gentleness (kindness) People desire kind words and gracious actions from others; but sadly, kindness is often only extended when received. This virtue is a kindness that is given beyond the worldly kindness of expecting something in return. It is brought forth from us as believers because of the residence of The Holy Spirit in our lives. By God’s grace and mercy, we are to display this outstanding moral character that demonstrates The Love of God in our hearts. Stand up for what is right in the way that is good and pleasing to God. This way is shown by mercy to others in gentle and kind words with gestures that are not hypocritical so that the gospel light of salvation shines forth brightly in our lives. We should therefore bear this moral excellence in our demeanor so that it will put forth the example of the Christ-like lifestyle. Also refer to 2 Corinthians 6:6
Ripe Harvest Ministries
Ripe Harvest Ministries