Ripe Harvest Ministries
Evangelist LaNora Means
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This is a supernatural gift of the Holy Ghost that is a component of the overall evidence of The Holy Spirit's fullness in a believer's life. These are different (divers) kinds of languages that flow out in a verbal speech of Divine Utterance given fully by The Holy Ghost through The Power of God (Read Acts chapter 2). These languages that are supernaturally spoken are not known or learned by the individual speaking them. They are fluent through The Holy Spirit only. This gift, as with all gifts of God, can only be used through the believer in God. This Holy Spirit appointed language known as "divers kinds of tongues" flow out of the believing individual speaking them. It brings strength to the believing individual; but, it is a sign of judgment to the unbelieving; for, the disbelieving would not hear it but instead would refuse it. (Isaiah 28:11; 1 Corinthians 14:21-22). When tongues are spoken without an interpretation (see the pages on "interpretation of tongues" and "prophecy"), these unknown tongues are spoken by the believing individual to the edification of oneself and spoken unto God in secret (mysteries). For a believer in God to desire this gift, it is to be realized that the awesome presence of The Lord is so wonderful that it couldn't even be expressed in words of one's own. One must not confuse this gift with learning to speak a language, for "divers kinds of tongues" flow supernaturally by the evidence of The Holy Spirit in an overwhelming magnificence of The Presence of God, not by one's own force. However, one must be willing to yield oneself to The Lord to let The Holy Spirit speak through them in this way. One should also pray that they interpret in order to benefit oher believers so they may be grateful by giving thanks to God for the edification (See page on "interpretation of tongues"). One should be thankful for the blessing of speaking in tongues; for, it brings edification in the believer's life in God and therefore should not be hindered. Think of it this way. If one truly believes in God, it would be natural for the one trusting in The Lord to desire all the blessings that God would offer through The Holy Spirit. After all, nothing is impossible for The Spirit of God to work in marvellous supernatural ways to bring realization of His Glorious Power both then (Acts 2), now, and forever. Praise God forevermore! Glory to His Name! 1 Corinthians 12:10
Gifts Of The Spirit
Divers Kinds Of Tongues
Interpretion Of Tongues Interpretion Of Tongues
Ripe Harvest Ministries