Gifts Of The Spirit
It isn't hard to see that we live in a world that is filled with corruption and deception. Being
fully aware that these dangers have increased in this age, should make the true children of
God desire a greater knowledge of God's Word and a deeper personal walk with The Lord in
order to be on guard of satan's evil plot. Because satan's time is short, he tries even harder
to keep people from understanding the truth of God's Holy Word and the true presence of
The Holy Spirit. satan even feigns action that may appear to be of God to deceive the
unsuspecting and uneducated believer in God. Although none of us are truly perfect because
of human nature due to sin (see Romans 3:10), believers must put forth every effort to walk
according to the fruit of the Spirit that is to be developed in our lives (See the pages on Fruit
Of The Spirit). The body of Christ needs to be able to distinguish between "...the spirit of
truth, and the spirit of error." (1 John 4:6); that is, there must be a thorough examination on
the part of believers in Christ to know the difference between those who are of the world
from those who are of God (See 1 John 4:1-6). This is mandatory in order to avoid being
deceived by false teachings that circulate in this world; because, there are those who claim to
be of God that are not at all of God. In 2 Corinthians 11:13-15, it discusses "...deceitful
workers transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ." satan disguises himself and so
can his evil workers who look as though they are real in God, when in fact, instead, they are
full of deceit. When we fully give our heart to The Lord and grow closer to Him by
acknowledging His Word, we can combat these evil forces with The Truth of His Word. Blood
washed children of God who grow in the grace and knowledge of His Word will know the
difference between truth and error and then can be open to receive the manifestation gift of
"discerning of spirits" at The Holy Spirits will. While common discernment was previously
explained, it is necessary to first have it in order to receive the manifestation gift "discerning
of spirits". "Discerning of spirits" is a revelation gift Divinely given by The Holy Spirit to
whomever it is distributed. This is supernatural insight into the spirit realm in order to
distinguish by Holy Spirit-led revelation the difference between what spirit is of an evil origin
and the sources involved and by recognizing what is truly of God's Spirit and what is not of
God's Spirit. This manifestation gift, as well as all the others, is to be used in God and strictly
for His Purposes. It is not of God to spitefully use judgment to spread gossip. God forbid!
The detection of the source and origin of the problem by this Holy-Spirit led "judicial
estimation" can alert believers to allow The Holy Spirit to move in whatever direction that is
necessary to remedy the problem.
1 Corinthians 12:10
Discerning Of Spirits