Seeing how doubts plague the minds of people in this age, healing has often been a much disputed topic. Even when many believe that it is possible, they still conclude that there are conditions as to what method is to be used or that the level of attainment could only be to a certain degree. It has also been sadly noted that some feel it may be God's will for them to bear sickness in the physical body. Although patience could be developed in trials that were brought upon the physical body for not taking care of oneself properly, God still does not want us to be sick in any form or fashion. Jesus came by the will of God the Father in atonement for the sins of humankind. Sin brought sickness in this life in the first place; but, Jesus came to bring deliverance from sickness. Jesus not only healed the sick and brought restoration in lives before (as God's Holy Word states in Matthew 4:23-24; Mark 6:56; Luke 4:18-19; John 11:1-44), He also heals today as testimonies of those healed are confirmed in the occurrences that cannot be explained from human standpoint. satan is the enemy of the human mind and would like to hinder healing in every way, but Jesus came that we may have life and that we may have it more abundantly (see John 10:10). Believing faith (John 14:12) produces greater works through the Holy Spirit's Authority. Read John Chapter 14. These gifts (graces) are endowed to the true believer in Christ Jesus by the same Spirit of God as in all these gifts noted. These gifts are given with the expectation that good will come to lives for the effect of wholeness and well-being. Jesus is our true intercessor through The Holy Spirit of God bringing Divine healing today! He works through the lives of believers today interceding for the effect of healing which brings restoration to mind, soul, and body. Great faith is exercised through the life of those who God will use in these gifts to see those results.1 Corinthians 12:9